Skin rejuvenation oil is a must-have for any woman who wants to look younger than her age. They are natural, effective and safe for health, they do not contain any harmful chemicals. You can use them absolutely at any age and in completely different ways, both in pure form and as part of various cosmetic products.
The best oils for skin rejuvenation
With age, the skin of the face loses its ability to regenerate, sags, and the first signs of its withering appear in the form of mimic wrinkles. For more than one millennium, women have been using all kinds of natural oils to prevent such changes, the most ancient civilizations knew a lot about this. Oil extracts have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, nourish and moisturize the dermis, increase its firmness and elasticity, thereby slowing down aging for at least 10 years. We present to your attention the TOP 20 best oils for facial skin rejuvenation.
Almond oil

To be in the TOP of this product was allowed by its wide possibilities in restoring the process of cell regeneration, on which the number of wrinkles on the face directly depends. It fills tissues with moisture, nourishes them from the inside with vitamin A, which is important for the dermis, restores its pH balance and prevents ultraviolet radiation from aggravating the situation.
Almond oil helps to eliminate traces of aging due to the presence of the following substances:
- Vitamin F. This is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for building cell membranes and normal blood circulation in tissues. Without this, wrinkles will definitely not be able to smooth out at least somehow.
- Beta carotene. It accelerates tissue regeneration and protects against the harmful effects of UV rays, which leads to the so-called photoaging.
- Alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E traditionally functions as a moisturizer. With its help, the skin receives the right amount of moisture needed to smooth mimic and age wrinkles.
- Vitamins of group B. Each of them has a positive effect on metabolic processes, increases the resistance of tissues to wind, cold, and the sun. Their presence in the composition allows you to eliminate the lack of moisture in the skin, make it radiant and young.
Important! Almond oil has a strong smell, so allergy sufferers should avoid using it.
Grape seed oil
The benefit of this oil for rejuvenation lies in the ability to moisturize the skin from the inside, accelerate the production of collagen and elastin, thereby making the dermis more elastic. All this is provided by vitamin E, numerous organic acids, flavonoids and vegetable lecithin, which are part of the product.
Essential oil of rosemary

This option is suitable mainly for owners of oily and problem skin. The tool stimulates cell regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, which form the framework of the dermis. In addition, it takes care of its cleansing, elimination of black spots, inflammation and acne, toning.
In its composition, rosemary essential oil for skin rejuvenation is not inferior to almond and grape. There are vitamins A, E, C, B, various fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic). It absorbs quickly and works instantly.
Jojoba oil
Outwardly, the product looks like olive or grape oil, has the same rich yellow color. But, unlike them, it acts like wax, making the skin silky and smooth. Soft, delicate texture and abundance in the composition of the most important "friend" of the dermis - vitamin E allows him to smooth out wrinkles.
Olive oil

This is the most affordable product that is sold not only in cosmetic stores, but also in the market or in a pharmacy. For facial care, a raw product is required that has not been heated during the production process.
rose essential oil
It proved to be excellent in the fight against shallow age wrinkles that appeared as a result of the harmful influence of various external factors. Its use is relevant with a lack of moisture in the tissues and roughness of the face, which will certainly appear over the years.
For aging skin, it is important to restore the water-salt balance in time and normalize the production of the main components of the dermis (collagen and elastin). This is exactly what lavender essential oil helps to do, but it is not recommended to use it if its integrity and irritation are violated.
lavender oil

The tool is effective against wrinkles due to the presence in the composition of almost all existing vitamins, except for D and B12. This is facilitated by the removal of harmful toxins from tissues, their saturation with moisture, and cell regeneration.
The product refreshes the face, gives it a healthy color and tones. Rejuvenation is also positively affected by the improvement of blood circulation in the dermis, the elimination of the negative effects of exposure to the sun, wind, and low temperatures.
Jasmine oil
It is one of the most expensive and inaccessible, because it is made for a long time and is difficult. The initial product is fresh leaves of Egyptian jasmine. It has a pleasant, sweet aroma, the texture here is also very delicate.
Essential sandalwood oil

The product is produced by processing the fruits of sandalwood, which grows mainly in India. One of the best oil for facial skin rejuvenation has become due to its strong regenerating, soothing, anti-inflammatory, softening properties.
Neroli oil
By regularly adding this remedy to creams, lotions and other cosmetics, after a few weeks you will notice a reduction in the number of wrinkles, softening of the dermis, its smoothness and silkiness. As a result, age spots are lightened, acne disappears, cells are saturated with moisture, which helps to improve complexion. A natural, beautiful blush appears on it due to the restoration of blood circulation.
Essential oil of geranium

This is one of the rarest oils, which in its pure form is almost never found on sale. Most often, it is added to various anti-aging masks, creams, lotions, milk, tonics. The product has the most striking effect on sluggish, devoid of "energy" skin. It is famous for its ability to restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, to strengthen its frame.
Castor oil
This is a fairly popular remedy for skin rejuvenation. It is actively used not only in face care, but also for hands, feet, body. To do this, the oil is added to the bath and take it for about 10-20 minutes.
Sea buckthorn oil

It is recommended to use it starting from the age of 25, when there is less collagen and elastin in the tissues, which are responsible for their elasticity. The main tasks of the product: cleansing the skin of toxins, nourishing it with moisture, vitamins E, A, B and toning. Such a complex action ultimately leads to a reduction in the number of wrinkles.
Coconut oil
This is one of the most useful and versatile oils. It is suitable for absolutely any skin type and helps not only in the fight against wrinkles.
Outwardly, it looks like butter, has the same white color and thick texture. These characteristics are inherent only in the raw product, while the processed one becomes liquid and yellow.
The product is very greasy, poorly absorbed into the skin and leaves behind an unpleasant thick film. But he can correct shallow wrinkles of various origins, properly moisturize the skin, eliminate its inflammation and redness, and improve color.
avocado oil

It is valued primarily because it contains a lot of squalene, which stimulates blood circulation in tissues and metabolic processes. Of great importance are vitamins C, E, A, which are necessary for the production of collagen and cell regeneration. Without such actions, the dermis becomes sluggish and uneven, loses its elasticity.
Peach oil
This oil is natural, safe and practical to use. It is instantly absorbed, has a pleasant smell, does not stain clothes and is easily washed off if necessary. It is also important that it can be safely combined with other oils and not only with them.
apricot oil

Recipes with apricot oil involve adding it to ready-made anti-aging creams or mixing it with other anti-aging ingredients - aloe and lemon juice, egg yolk, honey.
Unlike competitors, this remedy is very delicate, carefully cares for even problem skin, it almost never causes allergies. Thanks to him, the skin is provided with deep nutrition, vitamins C, E, A, magnesium and potassium, which improve blood circulation in the tissues. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out, acne, black spots, and flabbiness disappear.
Palm oil
The use of this tool in cosmetology is very common due to its complex effects. It is available in both liquid and creamy form, if it undergoes heat treatment. In the first case, its color is saturated yellow, and in the second - white.
pumpkin seed oil

This oil is obtained by cold pressing pumpkin seeds. It is rich in carotenoids, tocopherol, phospholipids, which slow down the aging of the body and activate cellular metabolism. Thus, skin turgor, its firmness and elasticity increase.
In addition to everything, the product effectively moisturizes, nourishes and soothes irritated dermis. It is especially recommended for people with sensitive and problematic skin.
Pumpkin seed oil does not differ in the resistance of the composition to heat treatment, as a result of which more than half of all useful substances die.
Sesame oil
Sesame oil is the least beneficial for the face of all those included in our TOP-20. But its use can make small defects in the form of crow's feet and wrinkles near the lips not so noticeable. It smooths out roughness and saturates the skin with phospholipids that penetrate deep into the tissues and moisturize them. Due to this, flabbiness disappears and a natural framework of the dermis is formed.
Among the additional effects are anti-inflammatory, soothing, stimulating.
By choosing any oils for facial skin rejuvenation from our TOP-20, you can provide the most worthy care for it. Naturally, you will not succeed in getting 20 years younger, but it will be quite possible to get rid of small wrinkles.

After 40 years, the skin of the face and neck loses its youth, begins to lose elasticity, gradually sags and becomes covered with wrinkles. Many women complain of dryness, even if the skin was previously combination or oily. The use of natural extracts and pomace of plants helps to establish deep nutrition and metabolism, so the question of which cosmetic oil is better to use for facial rejuvenation is asked by every second woman who takes care of herself.
Benefits of oils
If you choose the right product and use it regularly, you are guaranteed:
- renewal of the upper epidermal layers by improving intracellular metabolism;
- increased tone;
- smoothing wrinkles;
- elimination of scars and wounds from cracked acne;
- disappearance of the vascular network and age spots;
- color alignment;
- general rejuvenation.
The best varieties of oils
From almost every medicinal flower, fruit or tree, useful oils are squeezed out, used to rejuvenate the skin of the face: cocoa beans, geraniums, carrot seeds, sandalwood, frankincense resin. It is impossible to choose the best of them, since they act differently on certain epidermal types. To achieve the best effect, you can make anti-aging creams and oil mixtures that can act on problems from several angles.
The aroma oil from this fruit not only smells amazingly delicious and evokes dreams of summer, but also fights age-related changes and loss of youth. It enhances metabolism and stimulates cell division, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out and the face becomes much fresher. The disinfecting properties make orange extract an excellent cure for acne, which sometimes bothers even women over 40. Regular use will clean and shrink pores and remove traces of inflammation.
His homeland is India, so the inhabitants of those places have long noticed the beneficial effect of sandalwood aroma oil. With regular use, it smoothes wrinkles and has an excellent anti-aging effect. A slight whitening effect is possible, giving a fresh shade. Its pleasant smell makes it suitable for use in aromatherapy.
This flower is the first plant from which aroma oil was obtained. It happened in the 20th century and since then it has not ceased to be a favorite in the field of skin care. Considered a true female flower, the rose has a positive effect on the body of the fair sex.
Essential aroma oil is not squeezed out of the vegetable itself, but from carrot seeds. It cleanses the body of toxins, has a slight exfoliating effect and removes dead epidermal particles, thereby stimulating the renewal of the upper layer. Substances contained in carrots reduce the risk of oncology and protect against sunlight, but help maintain a beautiful tan.
Rose hip
Oil for rejuvenation for the face, extracted from rose hips, contains fatty acids and vitamins A and C. Thanks to this, the restoration of epidermal cells is activated, wrinkles are smoothed out and the face looks much better. Great for dry and aging skin, saturates it with moisture and makes it elastic. Improves the protective function, which is important in winter.
The healing components of neroli help to remove the vascular network and refresh the complexion. Antibacterial and healing action eliminates small wounds and traces of inflammation. Thanks to the stimulation of intracellular metabolism, toxins are released, wrinkles are smoothed out, the epidermis becomes more elastic and toned.
It contains beta-carotene, vitamins F and group B, alpha-tocopherol. This combination allows almond aroma oil to become one of the best products for the care of aging skin of the face and neck. Improved regeneration of the skin layers after regular use of the product helps crow's feet and wrinkles become less noticeable. Enhanced nutrition allows you to adjust the water balance and soften the dry epidermis. The harmful effects of ultraviolet rays lead to premature aging, and regular use of almonds guarantees protection against these unpleasant effects.
Grape aroma oil is obtained from the seeds by pressing without heat treatment, which allows you to save useful substances. The composition includes flavonoids, lecithin, vitamin E and acids that stimulate the production of natural collagen and have a tonic effect. Deep nutrition of the dermis allows aging skin to remain young and radiant for as long as possible.
The plant is used not only in cooking, but also for the preparation of cosmetic aroma oil. Unlike many other oil extracts, rosemary liquid is suitable for treating oily skin problems. The antibacterial effect cleanses the pores and reduces the risk of pimples by normalizing the sebaceous glands. Fatty acids and vitamin complex activate the process of renewal of the dermis and the production of natural collagen and elastin.
Jojoba, or Simmondsia chinensis, contains the most powerful natural antioxidants that can practically turn back the clock and rejuvenate. The product is suitable for absolutely all epidermal types, perfectly nourishing and without making the surface too oily. Perfectly restores the top overdried or damaged layers, allowing them to quickly renew themselves. Tired skin is radiant, while dry skin becomes supple and hydrated.
There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
Another product that can be used not only in the kitchen. It is considered completely safe and therefore is used as a base, other concentrated esters are diluted with it.
It perfectly moisturizes without oiling the skin or clogging pores. Normalizes the process of cell division, eliminates wrinkles and vascular network. Deeply nourishes dehydrated dry skin, removes peeling and makes the epidermis more elastic.
The plant is widely used in aromatherapy due to its pleasant unobtrusive smell and calming effect on the body. Contains many useful substances: linalool, tannins, resins, vitamins and trace elements. Linalool dries up inflammation, but does not dehydrate the skin, tannins disinfect and tone, and resins heal microdamages.
Do not be surprised by the cost of the product, it requires a certain variety of jasmine to obtain it, and the amount of liquid at the exit after processing a whole ton of flowers is scanty. And yet, it needs to be purchased by owners of dry and normal dermis, since jasmine normalizes metabolic processes and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Perfectly smoothes shallow wrinkles, cleans and tightens pores, starts the rejuvenation process.
Geranium aroma oil is practically not found in its pure form, it can only be found in some pharmacies. Sold in a glass vial and has a rather strong alcohol smell. Most often it is a component of finished cosmetics.
Castor oil
The product is obtained from the castor bean plant, it belongs to the category of base oils. You need to choose only cold-pressed liquid, it retains useful substances. Perfect for aging skin problems. It is quickly absorbed, does not leave oily marks and an unpleasant film. Doesn't clog pores.
Sea buckthorn
The pomace from the fruits and seeds of the plant contains a large amount of vitamin C, A and E, which restore the skin and deeply nourish it. The healing effect of the liquid allows you to treat any rashes, remove acne marks. Good for removing crow's feet around the eyes, it can even be applied to the eyelashes to improve their growth and appearance.
Coconut oil has become a favorite among many women due to its amazing rejuvenating effect on the condition of the skin. Depending on the temperature, it can be liquid or solid, similar to cream, like the cocoa bean product. Before use, it is recommended to warm it up, but not much, otherwise the useful components will evaporate.
The exotic fruit is famous for its high content of squalene, which is able to improve blood circulation in the skin layers and thereby improve complexion and restore normal metabolic processes in weakened and aging skin. Avocado saturates the body with vitamins A, E and C, causes cells to produce collagen and divide with a vengeance. The protective function of the skin improves, peeling is removed, the dermis is saturated with moisture and becomes more elastic. Regular use helps to remove age spots and freckles.
The product, made from peach kernels, is very mild and does not require dilution with base oils. It can be applied to the eyelids and eyelashes, it is remarkably absorbed and does not leave a film. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in the composition deeply nourish and soothe the irritated epidermis, while vitamins improve the general condition of the face and neck.
Like peach oil, apricot oil is made from the seeds. It can be used alone or saturate cosmetic creams and balms with it. The liquid contains a large amount of vitamin F, which can slow down the aging process in the body. Enhanced nutrition is provided thanks to fatty acids, the quality of not only the skin, but also hair and nails improves, subject to the regular use of apricot pomace.
People who are worried about their health worry if they see this ingredient in food, but for the skin, the remedy is simply irreplaceable. It can be purchased in two forms: in the form of a yellow liquid or a creamy white texture, which the substance acquires during heat treatment.
The oil is made from pumpkin seeds using cold pressing, due to the lack of heat treatment, the product retains the maximum amount of nutrients. It can not be heated, otherwise the vitamins will disappear, you can hold it in your palms at most.
Sesame oil should be chosen only cold-pressed from white seeds, all the miraculous components are preserved in this remedy. The oil is considered basic and can be used both separately and to make oil mixtures and natural creams or masks based on it. For women with rough, chapped and weakened skin, the remedy will be a real good find. It will improve the tone of the face, make the epidermis more elastic, and have a smoothing effect.
Important nuances
In order for oils for facial skin rejuvenation not only to cure, but also not to harm, you need to follow some rules:
- Always do an allergy test before use. If a basic and maximally non-allergic remedy was chosen, it is still necessary to spread it on the bend of the elbow and wait a few hours. There are allergies even to the most non-allergenic foods, so do not neglect this advice.
- Concentrated essential oils should not be smeared on the skin in its pure form, this will cause a burn. Before starting the cosmetic procedure, you need to mix it with the base liquid, and the ratio should not be 50: 50, but at least 30: 70, depending on the variety. Usually the dosage does not exceed 2-3 drops.
- You need to purchase proven products, the best essential oils are available in small tinted glass jars and are not cheap. The bottle must have an inscription stating that the liquid is natural, as well as information about the manufacturing method.
- It is impossible to mix more than 7 types in a row, a beneficial effect cannot be achieved in this way, and the appearance of an unpredictable unpleasant effect is almost guaranteed.
- Do not use the same variety for more than two to three weeks. We take as a rule: a couple of weeks of use, then a month of rest, then an oil change.
- Do not take oily liquids internally, especially if they are made from inedible plants.
- Oils should not be allowed to get into the eyes.
- It is forbidden to use aroma oils for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for persons with certain diseases, severe allergies and individual intolerance.
Natural essential oils are a real natural gift for the skin. If you use them wisely, you can achieve amazing results in a short period of time. The possibilities of use are huge: from pure spreading to composing recipes for masks, creams, lotions, tonics, scrubs and other cosmetics. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything and sincerely love yourself!